Friday, July 23, 2010

All Kinds of Movement

When all is quiet, I like to shake things up in a literal way by moving things around. For those who have shopped in the store, you know there is an almost endless supply of stuff to move. So, summer being what it is and not the biggest retailing season, when you come in next time, if you cannot find what you are looking for, please ask us for help. We are here to make your visit enjoyable and stress free.

Did you get your coupon? This is our slogan for August although we started the promotion on July 22. Plenty of items in the store for you to chose from. Great new items and all your old favorites. Don't miss this chance to save some money and get what you want. If you did not receive your coupon, we probably don't have your email address or have it incorrectly. Call the store or better yet stop in and update our records. We don't want you to miss out on all the great events and promotions coming up this fall.

There's something for everyone at Covenant Cottage. See you soon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fabulous Summer Sale- 3 more days

The Summer Sale is in full swing. The sale goes through Saturday July 10th. Many specials and discounts on in stock merchandise. It's hot outside but we have cool sale specials going on in the store. Don't miss it!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

One of my favorite comments

About every day or so, someone will enter the store and exclaim "I never knew this store was here!" This is usually followed by additional comments about how they live nearby and drive past all the time. Some variations are, "I shop at Country Feed next door and just thought this was part of the feed store". OR my all time personal favorite "Is this stuff for sale?"

What ever the comment or question, I am always glad that they have discovered our little hidden gem of a shop. We have been in our current location for three wonderful years. This space has enabled us to enlarge our departments and gave us space to store off season merchandise and overstock product. In addition, and most importantly, it has given us the chance to meet even more of our neighbors and become increasingly involved in the community. From our Seasonal Sales to the open house days held along with Country Feed and Garden, our lives have been enriched by the people we serve. Both reliable, returning customers and new friends, who still have the surprise on their faces from finding a true country store, enable us to live the mission of bringing quality affordable gifts and decor to the neighborhood. Every day is a new adventure and God is unfailing in his support. And yes, dear customer, this stuff is for sale.